Please join us on Sunday, February 16th, when Pastor Anthony will
continue our discussion about what it means to be "cut to the heart" (Acts 2:37).  We warmly invite you to join our community for this enriching and thought-provoking discussion, along with coffee and pastries.

Worship looks different for all of us. But in all ways, it means offering ourselves to God with our time, talent, and treasure. At Restoration there are multiple ways to get connected on Sunday through our ministry teams. For more info contact us here or visit the email links below in the specified serving areas.

Creative Arts/Music Ministry:

Restoration’s Creative Arts/Music Ministry is always growing, maturing and pursuing excellence. As we continue to build our team within the Church, it is a blessing to have new people that the Lord has gifted in the art of music. If you have musical talents or are interested in learning more and would like to serve in this area, contact us here. We would love to help you get involved.

Setup Ministry:

On Sunday’s, each individual piece assembled and dissembled prior to and following service is done by our Setup Ministry. We have an awesome team of men and women who are committed to serving the Lord on a regular basis. If you are interested in learning more and would like to serve in this area, sign up here and we'll get in contact with you. We would love to have you on our team.

Hospitality Ministry:

The Hospitality Team is a vital ministry at Restoration Church that helps to make our Sunday Worship Gatherings a place of warm welcome for all who visit. As a part of this ministry, you'll play a significant role in connecting people to our church and helping them to take their next steps for Jesus. There are flexible opportunities to serve throughout the month. For more information contact us here.

Non-Weekend related opportunities:

Restoration deeply encourages and works hard to equip our people to serve their natural speheres of influence when we are not gathered. This is an equally important opportunity we have to bless our neighbor. If you'd like to learn more about those opportunities, or have one you'd like to be supported in starting please get in touch with us. For more information contact us here.