Please join us on Sunday, February 16th, when Pastor Anthony will
continue our discussion about what it means to be "cut to the heart" (Acts 2:37).  We warmly invite you to join our community for this enriching and thought-provoking discussion, along with coffee and pastries.

Restoration Church is a community of Christ followers in Port Orange, Florida.

At Restoration Church you’ll find a community of believers living life together — much like a family gathered around a kitchen table. (Click here to see us in action on a typical Sunday.) From Sunday services to at-home gatherings, we offer a close, intimate environment where people can take their next steps with Christ. We not only offer traditional sermon-style teaching, we also allow space for people to participate, clarify, and even question the deep, beautiful and often-hard teachings of the Bible. This open-forum approach lets you explore truth from the pulpit while also enjoying the thoughtful insights of your fellow parishioners in the pew.

While church may look a bit different these days, Jesus and His mission to love and redeem mankind are still the reason for all we do. It is our sincere desire this is a safe place where people from all walks of life can come to know Him, grow in His ways, and be inspired to take His truth into the world — all while living alongside others who encourage and challenge us to become the people God intended.

Our Goal

Our ultimate purpose is to help people find peace with God, and peace with mankind. Because of the work of Jesus on the cross, our relationship with God, our maker, has been made right. As a result we can now have meaningful, loving, and selfless interactions with others.

We achieve our purpose through three pursuits: Gospel, Community, Mission.

Gospel — We believe in and advocate the truth of Jesus as revealed in scripture. We rally around who He is and what He’s done, what He is calling us to believe, and the specific ways in which He is compelling us to act.

Community — We believe God has created the Church so believers can live out their faith amongst one another. Fellow believers encourage our understanding of truth, help us develop in our faith, and provide the support we need to walk through life in a fallen world.

Mission — All we know and understand about Jesus should be reflected in the ways we care for, minister to, and treat others. We do this through our words and our deeds. Because we have found peace with God, we desire to share His love and redemption with those who are broken and without hope.


If you’ve missed a Sunday, need more time to reflect on a certain truth, or simply want to get a taste of what is being taught at Restoration Church we invite you to listen. Our messages are designed to share Biblical truth through sound teaching that encourages, challenges, and re-enforces the gospel message. We make room for open discussion, questions, and insights from others — no matter where they may be in their walk with Christ. The ways in which we learn together and the discussions that arise should feel a lot like the intimate conversations we have at our own kitchen tables.



Believers come in all shapes and sizes — from those who are curious about faith to others maturing in their walk with Christ and even those struggling just to press on. Our community is made up of all types of people. You’ll find young couples navigating parenthood, widowers dealing with the death of a spouse, and the newly-single person struggling to take off a wedding ring. At Restoration Church we believe one of the greatest callings of a community of faith is to create a place for everyone to belong — every person, through every season. We call it the kitchen table.

Some of the ways we stay engaged with each other are through at-home gatherings known as community groups, mid-week Bible studies, and even the simple joy of sharing a meal together.


We know the obedient act of giving is in thanks for all God has given to us. We encourage our members to give joyfully of their time, talents, and treasures. We know this honors the Father, builds our faith, and furthers the kingdom.

What We Believe

Below is a short version of what we believe. (Click the What We Believe tab above to get a full discussion.)

We believe that:

  • There is one God
  • God has spoken in the Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments.
  • God created Adam and Eve (who sinned when tempted by Satan) in His image.
  • Jesus Christ is God incarnate, fully God and fully man, one Person in two natures.
  • Jesus Christ, as our representative and substitute, shed His blood on the cross as the perfect, all-sufficient sacrifice for our sins.
  • The Holy Spirit, in all that He does, glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • The true church comprises all who have been justified by God's grace through faith alone in Christ alone.
  • God's justifying grace must not be separated from His sanctifying power and purpose.
  • Our Lord Jesus Christ will return in a personal, bodily form.
  • God commands everyone everywhere to believe the gospel by turning to Him in repentance and receiving the Lord Jesus Christ.

When & Where


Restoration Church meets for weekly worship and training on Sunday at 10:30 am at Sweetwater Elementary, 5800 Victoria Garden Blvd, Port Orange. Professional childcare is typically provided for elementary school children.

Click here to get a schedule of our current (2024 - 2025) study of the book of John.